Monday, March 10, 2008

The pink castle ...

The castle ...

"Wow mom! What's that?????"

"You should see this place!"

"Look we can both fit in here."

"Oh how I love our new pink castle!"

"What's that noise? What's going on in here?"

"It's Addi playing with her Busy Ball Popper!"


  1. He he he..I love the look of aww upon first seeing the castle. Nice castle by the way, a gift? Easter bunny hop over early? Aiden would love it. He made me buy the princess pull ups for bed time this week.

  2. LOL that's so cute! A friend of mine passed the castle down from his little girl. Free stuff rocks. :)

  3. Ooh I love it. It looks like so much fun. I agree with Colleen - I love Addi's face upon frist seeing the castle. Its like their secret hiding place!

  4. they so belong in the castle dont they?
